‘Coaching, unfiltered from the field’



Moving companies forward!

In today’s working world, sustainable success requires more than specialised knowledge. I support your company in the areas of:

Team building, mental health, resilience and performance.

Whether it’s a workshop, keynote or long-term support – I offer customized solutions for your needs.

Let’s take your company to the next level!

Unlock YOUR potential!

Whether professional athlete, self-employed person, team leader or private individual – everyone strives for satisfaction and success. But how do you really measure this?

With my unique Kabouchi-Survey, which takes all areas of life into account, you will gain clarity about your status quo and your goals!

Start the free Kabouchi-Survey and your personal success story! (approx. 3 minutes)



About me

Then you will understand the world and the people.

For over a decade, I have been travelling in the fascinating world of football, a cosmos that encompasses far more than just the round leather. My journey, both on behalf of football itself and beyond, has taken me across five continents and to almost 50 different countries – an odyssey that has broadened my horizons and understanding of human nature in a unique way.

In all these years, in which I shared my expertise and exchanged ideas with people from the most diverse cultures in the most varied ways, one realisation matured: football is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful ‘secondary things’ in the world, but the real main thing that ran through all my encounters was always the human behind the athlete, the official behind the office.

Strengthening them mentally, handing them the concept of resilience like a precious treasure, turning a collection of individuals into a cohesive team in which each individual knows and values their role, and paving the way to success for both the team and each individual – these were always the aspects that deeply excited and inspired me. They formed the compass and the key to my personal success.

I have always retained my own, unclouded view of things, a kind of inner compass that has given me direction even in stormy times. And so I remain unwavering in my conviction that no licence, no degree in the world, no matter how prestigious, can advance a person’s personal development as profoundly and sustainably as the experiences one gathers while travelling, the encounters with foreign cultures and the confrontation with the unknown.


Mental Health FA



Life-Kinetik Coach



Sport science





Book recommendations

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.

These lines are timeless and wise. They remind us how important it is to be aware of our thoughts. Therefore, the people we surround ourselves with and what we consume in our overstimulated times is crucial. For this reason, I have compiled a list of books for you that will guide your thoughts in the right direction and have a positive impact on your life.